Date and Time
Saturday Apr 20, 2024
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM PDT
Saturday, April 20th from 8 AM until 8 PM
We will start @ 8 AM at Burly & The Bean Coffee Roasters (1803 S Roosevelt Dr)
Then we will head over to 12th Street parking lot for a beach clean up
Join us back at Earth In Hand for refreshments, crafts, music & more
It is completely free!
Contact Information
Kristin Ehrhardt & Kacey Lezak
Send Email
Earth & Hand and Burly & The Bean Coffee Roasters are hosting an Earth Day event! Join us for a jam packed & activity-full Earth Day event! We will kick it off at 8 AM meeting at Burly and the Bean Coffee Roasters (1803 S Roosevelt Dr Suite A) for FREE drip coffee, followed by a beach clean-up, then we will come back to Earth In Hand for some complimentary refreshments, Earth Day crafts & activities, as well as live music performances! We will also have some contests and prizes! All ages are welcome! We hope to see you there!